
Hashtags are not anything new. They've been in active use for quite a while and aren't showing signs of going any where any time soon. In fact, the # symbol has been used to denote important information within technology fields since as early as the 1970's. It makes perfect sense for someone to come along and use it as a marker for indicating central themes in more casual communication. Social media posting without hashtagging is like asking someone out on a date but forgetting to give them your phone number. Hashtags create the means for people to find you or…


Designers create. That’s the nitty gritty of it. They plan and they devise. Any construction, any composition, any creation, was originally the brain child of a designer. It’s likely a wiring in the brain, this need to make something out of nothing. To see what is there where others cannot. And, when someone is wired in this way, it’s impossible to turn it off. In our previous installment of our Designer’s Fashion discussion, we exhibited the finished product; the favorite wardrobe items of designer Christian Knightly. Our creative sample this time? Orlando Magazine art director and graphic design adjunct instructor…
