
Subscribe So to complement our podcast, we wanted to offer up a variety of resources that you can check out to find out more about connecting with your online audience. Twitter Slide Show about using Twitter to market your business. MySpace and Facebook Netpop Research's 2008 study


Subscribe To complement our podcast, we wanted to offer up a variety of resources that you can check out to find out more about coatings. A dictionary of various paper terms, coatings included. http://www.glatfelter.com/learning/glossary_c.aspx Overview of different coating techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. http://blog.thefolderstore.com/2008/09/30/print-coatings/ What options are there for coating a job? http://www.printindustry.com/newsletter_18.htm How to set up your files for a spot coating: (courtesy of jakprints.com) Adding a varnish in Adobe Illustrator Adding a varnish in Adobe Photoshop Adding a varnish in Adobe InDesign Design Magazines (ones that generally have paper samples in them, as well as discuss…
