
Live tweeting is a big opportunity to build a brand’s digital presence in real time. It's a step in networking that can be easily overlooked, but have incredible payoff when done well. Many make the mistake of only considering live tweeting when it's something being put on by their own company, which only works in a promotional sense if you have internal social goals for your employee engagement. There are a variety of events to live tweet that involve a physical location or simply tweeting after hours from home. The main goal of live tweeting should be to build brand…


Hashtags are not anything new. They've been in active use for quite a while and aren't showing signs of going any where any time soon. In fact, the # symbol has been used to denote important information within technology fields since as early as the 1970's. It makes perfect sense for someone to come along and use it as a marker for indicating central themes in more casual communication. Social media posting without hashtagging is like asking someone out on a date but forgetting to give them your phone number. Hashtags create the means for people to find you or…


As new features and applications develop for social networks like Facebook and Twitter, more companies are realizing the importance of utilizing these tools in their marketing plans however, many simply do not know how to effectively use these tools to communicate with their online customer base. Many people think that just simply offering specials or news about your own company will draw in business but this is simply not the case. It can take some time to build up a captive online audience, but if done right, your business can grow by leaps and bounds as you connect with your…


Subscribe So to complement our podcast, we wanted to offer up a variety of resources that you can check out to find out more about connecting with your online audience. Twitter Slide Show about using Twitter to market your business. MySpace and Facebook Netpop Research's 2008 study


The ever-changing landscape of the Internet leads to many gaps between who's in and who's out, especially with regards to jargon. Nothing makes a person look less aware than gross misuse of terminology. I've assembled this brief guide to help our valued readers cope in our Twitter world. Twitter |ˈtwitər| Noun: A micro-blogging service, in which users post updates consisting of 140 or fewer characters. Verb: To use Twitter Tweet |twēt| Noun: A single post on Twitter Verb: To create a post on Twitter · Twit, twitted · Tweetered · Any use of t, w, a vowel, and then t…
