From left to right: Dan Bookman as RGB, Rita Barnes, Christine Dupont (center), Christian Knightly, and Susan Mullins as Greyscale.
2013 has been a year of milestones for the Treefrog Cinegraphix family. In May of this year, we celebrated the 30th birthday of our managing partner, Christian Knightly, in a truly Fontastic manner. And just this past weekend we had the honor of hosting yet another 30th birthday party for our former team member, Christine Dupont. In observation of Christine’s love for print design and the graphic arts, we gave this party a printacular theme: CMYK!
For those unfamiliar with CMYK, it stand for the four colors used in press printing: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Blac’K’. But of course, we had to complicate things and decided it also meant: Christine’s Magnificent You-Ain’t-Seen-Nothing-Yet Killer Birthday Bash!
The decorations were in CMYK, the guests were dressed in CMYK, even the presents were CMYK!