noun 1. A person who devises or executes designs, especially one who creates forms, structures, and patterns, as for works of art or machines. 2. A schemer, intriguer, or plotter.
noun 1. A prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.
If you are or have ever associated with those we call “creatives,” then you know their outfits are often so visually stunning they look as if they just stepped off the page of a magazine. Not limited to the realm of fashion, the designers and artists of other industries still use their creative genius for planning their wardrobe as well. After all, when you have that much artistic instinct, it’s difficult not to have it influence every aspect of life.
We at Treefrog Cinegraphix are fascinated by the creativity and artful choices that bleeds into other areas of our lives. It’s the inspiration that arises from unique and unexpected sources. The artistry that manifests itself off the page and off the screen. This interest of ours inspired us to call on a few of our team members and our fellows in the advertising world, and ask them to show us their Designer’s Fashions.

It seems only appropriate we’d begin close to home with our own Managing Partner and Lead Designer, Christian Knightly. Christian’s fashion choices are distinct to his personality and tastes, and he admits finding it important while working in our industry to have his creative nature reflected in what he wears. When asked about the relation between his profession and his style, he had this to say:
Within our industry, we are given a chance for self expression in what we wear. Where other industries might try to suppress that with their stodgy and strict dress codes, ours promotes individuality through outward expression and allows us to dress in a way that conveys our uniqueness.Christian Knightly

His interest in fashion piqued over the past five years, he says, and he’s drawn especially to the styles of Paul Stuart and Brooks Brothers. The pants, shirt, and jacket he’s seen wearing here, while not designer in label, are all favorites of his inspired by the clothes he stalks on Pinterest. But truthfully, it’s in his accessories where one sees his personality shine through.
With socks he finds a discreet way to add a pop of color and character to any outfit.
With socks he finds a discreet way to add a pop of color and character to any outfit. The watch he’s wearing has an aviator feel to it and reminds him of traveling, one of his favorite activities in life. And, the organic material of his tie clip reminds those of us who know him personally of his ability to shed the gloss of civilized life every once in a while and rough it in any terrain from the Rocky Mountains to the African Desert.

His style is colorful, yet soft. Classy, yet approachable. Professional, yet lighthearted. He’s a designer who wakes up in the morning and begins with his first creative choice of the day being, “Now, which socks will I wear today?”
Keep scrolling for a closer look at some of Christian’s favorite wardrobe items.

The items of Christian’s wardrobe:
1. Khaki Levi’s Denim Trucker Jacket
2. JCrew fitted pinstripe long sleeve button down
3. Tie – Skinny Tie Madness; Wooden Tie Clip – Etsy
4. Sunglasses – Mad Men Black Sunglasses
5. Skagen Denmark watch – stainless steel face with leather strap
6. Property Of … Samson Day Bag – Navy
7. GH Bass & Co. clay colored chinos
8. Joseph Abboud brown leather belt
9. Express gray and tan argyle socks
10. Timberland desert boots