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Incidents of hacking are on the rise, with some 30,000 sites daily being turned into hosts of spam email, malware, or other unsavory content. Several times a year, we receive a panicked call to clean out a hacked WordPress website. It's never fun for anyone involved, but we like putting clients at ease, and there are steps you can take to protect your site. There are many detriments to having a hacked website, extending much further than the obvious security risks. Even a few days of leaving your site under a malicious party's control can damage your search engine ranking…


Now that we've talked about the worst practices in email marketing, let's go over some of the best. The first step to email marketing is to create a plan. What are you trying to accomplish with your newsletter? Start with your audience. Identify your subscribers. Are they previous customers? Future prospects? General interest? Establish who they are, and why they subscribed to your newsletter. Build your content around your subscribers. Think about what your subscribers are interested in. Focus on brief, compelling, and useful content. Make a publishing schedule. Your publishing frequency will depend on your subscribers and your content.…


Email marketing is a great tool for connecting directly to your customer base. But mistakes are common. How can you make the most of your email marketing campaign? This blog will cover some of the most common email marketing pitfalls – and how you can avoid them. Anti-spam laws exist for a reason, and you should follow them. The biggest piece of advice I can give is this: Make sure your consumer base wants to receive your emails. This is important for several reasons: It's literally against the law. Anti-spam regulations mandate that all subscribers must provide explicit consent to be…


Welcome back to the creative outlets series! Our latest topic is music. It’s one of the more interesting outlets in that there’s a lot of different ways to be involved. Whether it’s by listening, creating, performing, or just gathering inspiration, everyone on our Treefrog team has a connection to music. Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Plato In our day-to-day lives, most of us around the office are casual consumers of music. We listen to music as we…


Welcome back to our creative outlets series! It’s a time of transition here at Treefrog, with Ben joining us full time and Rita moving on to new things. In light of that, this month’s topic is one that is near and dear to both of their hearts: photography. The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. Aristotle Photography, whether artistic or casual, has become a part of everyday life. The ever-improving cameraphone and popularity of apps like Instagram have only furthered this trend. So, how does this creative outlet inspire us,…
